The CAMH hub is a fully integrated mixed-use campus that forms the heart of a new urban village on Queen Street West. This new community addresses the diverse program needs of CAMH, the development potential of the site, and the changing neighbourhood context. Residential buildings are designed to provide a context for other buildings and spaces which will assert a more distinct identity. Two residential apartment prototypes are designed to meet the programmatic for twenty-four bed home areas, suitable for a high level of support and treatment.Each home area is linked to a secure outdoor garden, either at grade within a garden court, or at the roof level.Phase 1A, now complete, involved the construction of three new inpatient care buildings and one administrative/outpatient building. These facilities represent CAMH’s commitments to both providing quality health care in a more nurturing environment and creating an architecture with a unique residential identity.Phase 1B involves the majority of the site’s redevelopment, which KMA, along with the other partnering firms are currently planning, design, and compliance architects.The master-planning and strategic phasing of this project allows for numerous new buildings and renovated works to be completed over the coming years. New streets cutting through the site provide for further connection back to the city, while creating a safe, external environment within the complex for patients and visitors alike. These facilities represent the Centre’s commitments to both providing quality health care in a more nurturing environment and creating an architecture with a unique residential identity.Instrumental in KMA’s design process was ensuring a safe, secure environment be created without separating or isolating CAMH physically from the community in which it resides.