Concept 1 >> Formal, Spatial and Structural Icon.
What is the risk architecture must take towards the electronic revolution?
Which responsibilities architecture should incorporate in a project designed to
keep physical documents? How to materialize an entity destined to agglomerate
virtual and physical information? The project for the CCU library literally
takes, what architecture in an ‘objectual’ sense still can: articulates
accesses, allows processing and interchange of physical information, and works
as an icon in a mediathic sense.Concept 2 >> Flexible and Fluid Organization for the Books.
A series of stripe-like sufaces programmed by Dewey’s System allows
optimum organization. They are not located within static plans or spaces,
memory and knowledge work differently, but rather confluate, oscillate, fusion
in strategic zones to generate physical and interdisciplinary links for the
interchange of casual information. The stripes grow, unfold and shift according
to the number, size and type of books. The library is an information plexus, a
programmed network of interchanges, connections, paths. It is not a building,
is a 3d network of information links.Concept 3 >> The Library as a landscape that articulates vehicular
and pedestrian flows.
Incorporating the new cultural program, public transport, flows; to
enhance an effective stay in the public space.