Amancay 2 is a single family residence located on the rocky coast of Zapallar, 180 kms from Santiago, Chile. The steep lot has 2,500 square meters and is 50 mts distant from the waterfront.
Tha main concept of the project was to take advantage of its rocky cliff by integrating it to the residence´s different levels. It also combines two elements: a closed west facade for privacy from the main road, with a full transparent east facade towards the ocean´s dramatic landscape.
There are three diferent terraces in different levels; one of these is located in the center of the house and is protected from the continous cold wind coming from the South. This place is the functional center and communicates all the living spaces. It is covered by nine separate concrete beams , which are the support for a future vine.
Materials primarily used : Concrete, gray stone granite, pine wood, insulated glass and stainless steel.