To the large scale of the landscape, the site offers deep views on the
meanders of the Seine and a landscape of moors, preserved and of quality. Access
to these large areas planted on the river is now integrated in the development
of the site and urban studies to date, and ensure the quality and tranquility
of this peri-urban areas.
At the more local level, the role of this second operation, after the first
social residence is to consolidate the status of urban and contemporary of
Pasteur street, boosted by the creation of a school division recently.The general
figure is a composition of two volumes fitted around an empty space at the
corner of two streets: a rift between public space and private space.These volumes are related to ground floor by the focal
point of access, located at the corner of Pasteur street in the North / East
and the new path to the North / West.
In order to give a nice scale, we propose to divide this set of 165 studios in
two separate wings, one coated with a wooden lattice, the other mineral with fiber
boards mates.This advantage
allows us to describe the insertion of each building on the two channels, with
different status. It also allows residents to avoid giving the impression
of a building too linear, monotonous mass. In this way, the building
offers an evolutionary account 'while maintaining an overall coherence.
The frame is developed and L-shaped, the periphery of the plot along the
streets. It is organized around a large garden with south facing visible
from the street through the views formed through the building. These flaws
allow the project to sequence from both streets offering sweeping views of the
sky and the planted areas of quality.
The building says the ambition of contemporary architecture, social and
sustainable by volumetrics articulated set of street and garden. Its
presence in the city is emerging from a simple assembly of volumes giving
sequenced to see through the holes created in the garden well planted heart