This site allowed the creation of views to the natural surroundings and person-made vistas in a 360 degree venue. This permitted us to take advantage of the tension created between these two venues and create a series of shifting planes and mass to capture all the views. Nestled atop this Canton knoll, the view appears to be endless from the Blue Hills Reservation to the City of Boston. We arranged the movement through the house from entry to the living areas to frame the views of both the natural environment and the person-made north-easterly to south-easterly sweeping horizon. This shifting of travel creates an animated series of views that changes with each season. The natural environment comes complete with all of the wildlife one can imagine, making for a pleasurable experience for hours. The tree fort like appearance of the library is intentional to blend into this natural environment and suggest many an enjoyable hour of meditation and reflection within this secure space. The positioning of windows and skylights suggest a natural light filtration from many sources much like that of the natural canopy. The connection to the natural environment beyond can be experienced from all spaces within this home. As you travel upward to the master suite, one gets the feeling of endless possibilities of connection to nature and seemingly ceaseless views