The building of
administratively-business center includes some functions united by an
internal court yard-garden, with the survey lifts, an open ladder and
pool. In a high-rise part offices are placed, they have as corridor
system of placing of premises, and landscape system, with promotion
of separate offices on a line of a protection of balconies. Two lower
floors are occupied with shops, bars, restaurants and a sports
complex. The multipurpose flat roofing of «stylobate» being a part
of restaurants and bars is covered with a glass roof. Deaf elements
of a facade of a building are covered with artificial-patina copper
panels. Special-purpose latticeswith
grass sprouted through them (Grass-plat grids of High Density
Polyethylene – HDPE)are laid on all territory of
complex and multipurpose flat roofing. Roads, sidewalks and open
parking of cars limit low short-haired bushes and trees. The shop of
the cars which windows leave on the cascade of falls and fountains of
an artificial reservoir with a coastal slope black basalt, is located
in a cellar under the ground level. End of a high-rise part of a
building are the winter garden, a conference hall and a bar, with an
exit on balconies and the panoramic view down a city.
1. Site Area
- 13010 m2
2. Footprint Area –
7000 м2
3. Gross Floor Area
– 54830 м2
flat roofing - 6500 m2
3.2.offices -
3.3.winter garden
and conference hall - 1100 m2
sales center - 600 m2
garden-bar - 1700 m2
3.7.sports -
4350 m2
3.8.swimming pool
- 480 m2
4. Places in a
parking - 352, land - 60.