The future construction sites of Messestadt Riem, the new urban quarter and trade fair grounds that emerged from the former premises of Munich-Riem Airport, were the area to be developed for the Federal Garden Exhibiton 2005, commonly referred to as BUGA.
The basic organic structure of every form of plant life is the main theme of the central exhibition areas in this site. The change in perspective, from micro to macro, is the connecting thread throughout the entire area of the garden show. The theme gardens using different cell structures emerged using the motto „Cell Worlds in Changing Perspectives“. In the Gardens of Powers the shapes of plant structures at different microscopic scales serves as inspiration for each new garden.
The epidermal cell structure of a common marsh marigold was used as the concept inspiration for the Garden to the Power of 10-4. A dense network of colourful narrow paths of poured rubber provides access to and through the garden. The winding paths lead the visitor to a large landscape of the same material which forms a mound and a hollow as positive and negative spaces. These elements allow new perspectives of the space and invite play, discovery and relaxation.
The event character of the gardens and the way they were embedded into the landscape set new standards of quality and format of BUGAs to come. The overall concept is a critical and creative commentary on horticultural shows in general. It is a distinct artistic dissociation from the fair, compartmentalised planting bed as a common and indeed almost archetypal constituent of such shows, proposing its own kind of “educational” aesthetics in the allocation of surfaces, in spatialisation, in the creation of atmosphere and meaning for a novel way of experiencing nature.
Photographer: Stefan Müller-Naumann, Andreas Gebert, Jörg Koch, Robert Bernhardt, Josef Saule GmbH