The open competition was about a residential tower (350 units) combined with an international school. The site is located in the northern part of Linz, Austria, right on the outskirts of the city.
We envisioned that the building has to work as a future center for the whole district and cannot be seen isolated from its surroundings. To work as an urban center we created a large public plaza which works as an ideal possibility space. In addition we extend and integrated the nearby park right onto the site and the building.
The school has a terraced structure towards the park with large open spaces for students.
For the residential tower we decided to think inside out. Instead of going vertically we went horizontally. In a next step we divided the building in three parts and twisted them. By this simple measure the added value rose exponentially. First, the 3 three parts can be seen as different neighborhoods with a strong identity. All roof surfaces are activated and work as gardens-in-the-skies for the residents. The green-areas are almost tripled in ratio to the site-area. Also the wind conditions are positively influenced by the geometry of the building. Like hardly any other building we have not just 5 but 6 facades to work with. The 6th façade works as an artistic quotation of the sky during the day and an artificial planetarium during the night.
Partner in charge: Mathias Haas
Team: Johann Schmid, Andreas Kastenhofer, Andreas Justl, Josef Kienesberger
Structural Engineer: Praher & Schuster ZT GmbH, DI Manfred Schuster
GFA total: 53.253m²
GCS: 168.506m³
Tower Height: 97m
Residential units: 357
Net floor area Residential: 22.605 m²
Net floor area School: 4.015 m²
Underground Parking: 380 spaces
Design phase: 01-03/2017
Photos / Graphics: Kaufmann & Partner
Text: Johann Schmid