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Other Projects by GALA Engineering S.r.l.

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The designed proposal aims to revamp the appearance of
the hall  and to resolve space related
problems that limit at present the usability of the cinema. The project
develops the idea of a street level covered square, communicating directly with
the main open space located in front of pushkinsky cinema. Access points to the
main hall are located on all 3 surrounding roads allowing users to move freely
and to interact with the newly created space. The new public area conveys a
space  dedicated and connected to the
cinema. The original structure can be seen 
through the new envelope: the matter breathes, the shell communicates
with the urban context through the openings. Further cuts are represented at
street level by the access ways on the façades allowing the flow of cinema
users, while roof apertures gather natural contributions (air and light) and
pass them to the interior. Opaque walls are substituted by a revolutionary
shell, vital and organically structured. A multitude of ramifications allow
light and colour to filter in, still exposing the volume of the theatre, deeply
rooted in collective consciousness. It encompasses as through a veil, and
highlights the former bulk of the large hall and the new foyer, which sets out
at street level and extends for a double height, in natural contiguity with the
open air premises, finally enclosed and usable. the proposed project revamps
the outside volume by providing: high value aesthetics, an innovative
structural solution with composite profiles, the use of elements in Corian®,
which can be molded in articulated branched structures, the adoption of a
finishing layer in titanium dioxide allowing the so created optimally broad
surface to work as a catalyst in capturing air pollutants through a
photosynthetic process, the creation of green terraces and the production of
clean energy.

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