From 2003 to 2008 the former air raid bunker in Reinhardtstraße in Berlin Mitte was converted to house an art collection and a private residence. The existing ceilings were not more than 2.3 metres high, so some of the existing floors were cut away to create spaces that connect the levels in an overlapping fashion throughout the height of the building. This vertical connection between the floors allows the rooms to be experienced in a multitude of different ways. The internal walls have been mostly painted white, and plastered only in parts. The surface qualities of the concrete, the marks left by the concrete cutting tools, as well as the effects of wear and tear from the building’s many previous uses, have been retained. Works by contemporary artists are exhibited over an area of around 2,500m². In addition to works purchased by the collector, in-situ pieces are created by artists working on-site in the exhibition spaces. The project has received several awards and been internationally published and exhibited.
Christian Boros and Karen Lohmann
Jens Casper, Petra Petersson, Andrew Strickland
Project team:
Wolfgang List, Bernadette Krejs, Karin Maria Derix
Project Partners, Quantity Surveyors and tender:
A+O Berlin
Frank Hüpperling und Stephan Vieweger
Site Manager:
Thomas Heesing
Structural Engineer:
Ingenieurbüro Herbert Fink
Christian Bergholz
bbz Landschaftsarchitekten
Timo Herrmann
Ojektdesign, Penthouse:
Instantconcept, Wuppertal
mib, märkische ingenieurbau gmbh, Wriezen
Steel and facades:
HTM Metallbau, Berlin
BBT Betonbohr- und Sägetechnik GmbH, Berlin
Berghäuser und Sohn
Asta Fliesen & Naturstein GmbH, Polanz
Rentschler und Riedesser, (consultation) und Bast Heizungsbau (plans and installation)