Beyond the function-form, this
proposal is an attempt to deal with three T’s of architecture Typology, Topology,
and Tectonics.
The function, people and social
situations evolve a typology. The whole idea is to create visual connection to exterior so
that proposal should attract young travellers (interested bohemian scene of
Barcelona) coming from world-wide. Just by pushing bed space up (as
illustrated) living space in guest room gets double heightand a terrace giving two faces for view, and permits own
privacy and
viewto bed room. This spatial
composition of contemporary cubes, gives rise to innovative, bold and dynamic sleek form.
In the night the physical presence of the guests in the building (because of
the room lights) will give a vibrant effectto
the skyline. The programmatic demand of landmark tower, having a contemporary
image(that is up-to-dateand avant-garde) is fulfilled by vibrant,
dynamic and sleek towerand will
be recognized as a unique and original identity of
cosmopolitan building.
Priority is given to enjoyment of its context, the urban space and the comforts
provided by spatial
facilities. Especially importance has been given to more of
relaxation areas, open air theatre, outdoor terrace restaurant and departmental
stores offering young people from different culture a chance to interact with
each other. A basic maintenance system by a refuge chute in the core
of the tower allows a minimal and almost
absence of cleaning staffand cleaning services. And thus situation encourages
Landscape, built from, public
spaces, climate, existing conditions formulate topology for building site. Surrounding
context, dense urban fabric gives horizontal restrictionand allow rising vertically. Towards the north is
located La Iglesia de la Sagrada Familiaby Antonio Gaudí, to
the southeast the
bay of Barcelona, to the southwest Cerro Montjuicand to the northwest Plaza del MACBA.
Challenge was to deal with the special topographic conditionwith the typological requirements. The hundred
meter high tower is very sleek to reduce visual impact on the historic
surrounding. To keep consistent surrounding the verticality from the
gothic is adapted with new face. The structure relates in a harmonious way
to the context as unique and original identity. Tower respects the surrounding
from all four sides, providing visual connection from within. One existing
buildingin the site has been reused
to accommodate functions like entrance hall and bar and restaurant. Tower is
very sleek and sufficient to give natural light to every part of the building.
In the summer afternoon the shadow of the tower usually will be on the
open terrace behind the tower, so that people can enjoy evening comfortably.
Attention is given to outside laundry space, which is at south. Towards north side(in double height lounge hall) open green
space is provided for natural ventilation.
The way architectural components
are juxtaposed,
really affect typology of the built mass. Thus tectonics plays very important
role in innovation.
Repetition of one unit/module of guest rooms one over above, in between terrace voids
shapes the tower (on the basis of solid and void theory-gestalt).This composition also allow the possibility to precast RCC modulesof guest rooms to reduce timeand help in the sustainable construction.
Self-cleaning colored concrete material can be used to reduce the cleaning
maintenance. Sleek design of tower has a very porous, open cube detail (full glazing
on the open face) at the narrow edges. A white planewhich
is perforated in random square pattern binds all the units/modulesand provides uniformity to the architectural
form, and also covers fire escape staircase at one end and toilet core at another.
This white plane facing towards South-eastis
of the solar
voltaic material, which can generate energyfor
the the north side toilet core also has got a transparent glass (to
have external link) envelope at the edges, respecting the privacy of the bath
cubicles. At the base Ground floor consist of the Lounge and all services, over
which two
layers of public spaces, one is semi covered guest areaand above is green covered terrace having informal seating
for open air
theatreadds extra depth to the
form. Whole base is enveloped in wooden fins, filtering the urban haze.