The house is located at the end of a cul-de-sac and rising 3 metres from the front (north) to the back (south) of the parcel, connected to the site by means of two directions; the alignment of the neighbouring houses to the west and perpendicular to the slope grade which exploits the SW/NE diagonal of the parcel.
With difficult overlooking constraints due to the position of the property on the slope we decided to create an intimate home filled with light and space and a strong relationship with the sky by means of three voids organised along the diagonal of the property.
Whilst the ground floor has a strong relationship with the earth with views of the garden and contrasting light streaming in from above, the upper level elevates the viewpoint, a celestial level that frames the sky just above the horizon line. Through this subtle relationship between the earth and the sky we intend to create a home where the limits of space and the play on light and shade are enough decoration and come together as one clear expression.