Inspired by the
Eames film “Powers of 10”, we sought to express different visual information at
the different scales of experience.
At close range (1:1), the various indigenous New York State flora and
fauna, abstracted into a iconography of wilderness, reflect the city’s own
diversity. At a more distant POV,
from surrounding office buildings for example, the piece reads as a manicured
pattern, a giant graphic carpet. INSTALLATION:
A significant aspect of our concept is tactical. We wanted to create the
appearance of a random exploding pattern, while actually using organized sets
of repeating “clusters” of flora and fauna. The format allows the giant blooms to be easily mapped onto
any part of the site with not much more than eyeball accuracy.
preliminary DOT template information, we have created evenly sized groups of
configurations that are mapped out in 4 larger sets:
CENTER – the core is one unit, shown in epoxy color “White”
SMALL RING – the first ring around the center, shown in “Irish Cream”3.
MIDDLE RING – composed of 2 larger repeating units, shown in “Sunset Blush”
LARGE RING – composed of 4 repeating units, shown in “Merlot”