For the heart of the expansion area of northern Blixembosch Eindhoven, a plan is made for 180 houses, 3000 m2 of commercial space, 1,000 m2 of medical facilities, parking facilities and a community center "civic center".
Central to the plan is a square which could be achieved by realising the necessary parking underground. The square provides access to all commercial and public functions at groundlevel. The U-shaped building block is five stories high and encloses three sides of the square. On top of these functions, all apartments apartments are oriented to the square.
The building is positioned asymmetrically over the local access road, which is part of the dynamics of the square, where all urban activity occurs.
The community center is the pivot point between the stone plaza and the park. Here all social and cultural activities of the neigbourhood take place, visible through the façade opened to the plaza. The park is partially used as the outdoor space of the daycare and the kindergarden. These together with the double gym and leisure accommodation form the "civic center".
The U-shaped building volume over the supermarket surrounds an indoor winter garden which provides acces to the houses and a meetingspace. The mass ends with a residential tower of eleven layers.
By a clear organization and efficient use of materials, a the large number of functions is welded together to form a cohesive heart of the neighbourhood.