We helped the client sort through and visit over fifty lots in the area, and finally decided on an interesting lot in Lakeway.
Interesting means, "not flat" and with some decent trees. In addition, because it is at the top of a hill, the views from the back of the house and pool will be of a nice treed canyon, rather than a fence line.
They had developed an interest in southwestern art, native american art, and mountain living from a lifetime of fly fishing in Colorado and New Mexico. The design of their new home combines these elements with into contemporary Austin home.
The house will be rated five-star by the City of Austin Green Building Program, some features including; goethermal a/c, spray-foam insulation, metal roof, slab-edge insulation, geothermal pool heater, etc.
My wife has completed another amazing stained glass piece, a Hopi Corn Maiden.