Architect: Preyan Mehta
Competition: Ryterna Modul Architectural Competition 2015
Challenge: To design and provide social housing for asylum seekers based on modular construction as the key element of the housing.
Results: Honourable Mention
Site Area: 3900sqm
Location of Site: Akfrikanische Straza, Wedding, Berlin, Germany.
The program was very specific.
-Competitor has to select one of the offered regions to design a social housing, namely:
-Social housing should meet local technical construction requirements and other construction and living conditions related requirements.
-Social housing should be constructed as apartment building complex consisting of no more than 6 flats in each building
-Social housing has to provide a living space for around of 200 asylum seekers, ~10% of asylum seekers consist of families of 2 (20 people), ~60% consist of families of 4 (120 people) and
~30% consist of families of 5 persons (60 people).
-It is necessary to design 3 different flat sizes and layouts that are fully furnished (for family of 2; 4 and 5 persons)
-Social housing should be a two-story building
-Dimensions of one modular unit for transportation might vary from 9000mm to 3000mm(L) x2990mm(W)x3100mm(H)
-Each module has to be transportable
To name the few.
Architect's Solution:
Selecting the site in itself was a huge challenge before jumping onto the Design Solution. It becomes more tricky especially when you know nothing about any of the countries
specified.Thorough case studies were done on What are Asylees, Where are the most number of Asylees, Who accepts them the most, Why do they accept them the most, What are
the difficulties faced by Asylees, How to cope up with it, What all or What type of Housing they deserve, to name the few questions whose answers were found.
The site was selected, Wedding, Berlin, Germany. The reasons were straight forward, Germany accepts the ridiculous number of Asylees per year than any of the country in the world.
Hence, choosing Germany was inevitable. After that choosing Berlin, was also a simple idea, "If the Heart of he Country Accepts them, so willl the whole country". Coming to Wedding,
well that was surely agter going through blogs of citizens of berlin and studying which area has the most suitable area for pinpointing Asylees. The loca site in Wedding was selected
based on following criteria:
-The Site has to be an Urban Space
-It needs to have a full connectivity with the city
-It must have eyes on by the fellow citizens of Wedding
-The interaction between Asylees and Citizens should become a compulsion
-It needs to have a certain kind of potential to cater the needs of the Architect's Design Concept.
After selecting site, it was all about how should the housing be. The idea was to connect them and still make them invisible from the daily routine of the citizens so as to not provoke
them all the time about their existence.
Idea: Taking the Housing Underground and Utilising the Roof/Terrace as an Urban space for the Citizens as well as Asylees.
This idea evolved because of all the parameters. By taking underground, we are doing exactly the thing of Connecting them to the city, yet keeping them away from their Visual