Fine arts academy of LokerenThe existing Villa Ter Beuken and the Parc Ter Beuken deliver a special setting for the extension of the Academy for Music and Word. The design forsees a “pavilion” typology in the woods behind the Villa. This minimal structure of floor and roof, combined with external steel columns, creates an intense relationship with the surrounding nature.The design of the elevation is an application of a measure system based on the properties of sound waves: “440m” or “440Hertz” , corresponding to the tone “A”. Measure systems and acoustics are quite related to each other. Even the Greek philosopher Pythagoras proposed that numerical proportions in the acoustics lead to optical harmony. Therefore the facade is designed as a combination of two ranges of lengths, derived from 440Hz. Together, they form a fluctuating interference or better a new tone: music and consonance become visible in the facade!The columns refer to anthropomorphic proportions and are based on the measure system of Euclides: “the golden section” or “divine proportion”. They reach from the floor to the roof like a “gigantic order”, referring to the old art temples and to the use of columns as principal element in the design of the elevation.The art programme of the extension organizes itselfs around three clusters, situated on two levels, containing Music, Word and Sculpture. The corridors and common areas act as an interactive space between the different art forms. These spaces offer the opportunity for exposition, performance, meeting, ... The public functions of the pavilion are connected with the public rooms in the Villa: the existing axis of entrance, staircase hall, waiting chamber continues into the new building. A “scissor-like” bridge connects the two floors of the pavilion with the main floor or “bel-etage” of the Villa.