Our working space should represent the architect's perception, be the place which we feels the most comfortable and at the same time contains marketing features.
The office's space consists of 40 sqm area and 3 m. high. Natural light comes from one window locating at the north wall (1.5 m. high and 4.00 m. width).
The program was simple – 3 kinds of spaces – space for dialoging and thinking, space for creation process and producing, and space for life's basic needs.
"A matter of walls and color" was the design concept. Orange and warm light represents the dialogue space, white represent the creation space, the soft green is the place when we make our food, and toilets are painted with dark gray and minimum lighting.
Planning composition based in two kinds of walls: a wall with existent structure wrapped with two layers of corrugated plastic sheeting, 6 mm width, which defines the border between the two cubes. The material and the color of the corrugated plastic sheeting, transparent orange and matte white, allows depth and entrance of natural lighting inside the wall.
The second wall is 2 m. high and 40 cm depth, and contains plans, books and documents. This wall creates separation inside each cube.