ARBAB (Parand) administrative and commercial project when our office was referred to the structure of the building was built and the employer for the area of the administrative unit of their increase, without rules and a certain order in front of the building (the Eastern side - Western side - south side) Leading and in different sizes had done and did not want to change the structure. The initial visit some very glaring that building orientation to the sun and the main streets so the main facade of the building in the eastern and western fronts. That exposure, especially for a suitable office space did not have measures to face it. The building in an industrial area that naturally according to the plan Master in one of the divisions were located, but in terms of height relative to the proximity of his class was more due to the proximity of the site to the entrance of the industrial zone could is to provide an advantage. Type of structural design and box steps that a brim big run was for us an indicator, which at first tried as exposure use but in the end, the review of local climate and the recommendations of the employer in packet sizes were but design the index. Next problem of our economic issue that, according to the terms of reference and macroeconomic conditions in the country of issue for that, though always in development projects to show off, but at this time, as well as the balance of economic projects, their impact over before the project was laid. With respect to the issues decided step by step to resolve issues. At first, we tried to find order and an order for the building to come out of all this confusion is a certain order. Our next issue of the east-west orientation of the building, which is located in front of the building constituted. Climatic conditions with blowing hot summers and cold, dry winters mainly dominant building surface and the angle of sunlight That the interior is not fit all hands were to require high thermal for building that should we find solutions. By choosing appropriate materials for the design of the levels of two shell buildings and facades of buildings and a certain percentage of openness for each side and each floor could win on these problems. In the way that we, Vertical louvers the use of space makes it possible for any user to give up a percentage of their openness to considering the need to open and close. The organization of the interior spaces due to the size and use of office space as smooth and flat design that makes it possible for the employer provides to flow more on the experience and using the partition transparent, space is also larger portray.