Our first project in Lisbon, Portugal, was requested by a Brazilian family who spend only a
few weeks a year in the country. With a pure and minimalist language, the project was
conceived in an old building that went through a retrofit but respecting the original
The plan originally longilinea suggested us a very clear division between the social and
intimate areas through its length. The social spaces were integrated with each other
ensuring amplitude between them. The kitchen, also integrated in the living room, can be
opened and closed by means of carpentry sliding panels.
As well as the social part, the intimate area of the apartment has a simple language: few
pieces of furniture and the same finishes as the rest of the apartment, such as the oak floor
which is also repeated in the social area.
The furniture has been carefully chosen partly in European Antique shops and partly in
contemporary pieces. The art collection that composes the project is part of the clients'