The precarious settlements Jardim São Francisco is located in the extreme east of the city of São Paulo, 30 kilometers or one hour driving time by car, depending on the constant heavy traffic, from the city center. The area is characterized by a steep and hilly topography with many springs and stream-headwaters, an old sanitary landfill and a recently built segment of the new belt highway. Sehab decided in 2010 to elaborate an urban plan that would finally turn the punctual interventions by the public authorities of the last 30 years intoa neighborhood. To meet the current housing demand in the area, Sehab needs to build at least 650 social housing units. The plan allots for 2200new housing units (1200 social housing units and 800 market rated apartments), 480 commercial units, one big commercial entity that should create job opportunities and include educational and communitarian functions, and the use of innovative “green” technologies.