JOINTNESS is a tea coffee breakfast set which communicates to the users through
acting as a mediating means of interaction through the object relation
of the set, which communicates between separate individuals who jointly
approach each other in a third, joint, virtual space, etc. - one should
not be misconstrued with symbiosis.the multiple configurations
of the set is determinate between each object, and is interfaced
between each other - hence, like the logical operation of the exclusive
disjunction theory, whereby one operation on two logical values produces
a value only true where just one object (but not both) is valued truth -
each object has a direct interface of where the sum is an element to
the whole, & vice-versa - whereby producing completely different
complementing addition to the individuality and
wholeness of the JOINTNESS set, each set is produced in two series -
the basic stainless steel, or the composite polythermal plastic &
titanium metallic black. tea/coffee/ breakfast takes on another level of
sophistication and logics with this dynamic puzzle.production limited to 99 copies, plus 3 author?s proofs10 (ten) piece set, including trayClient: ALESSIDesigner: Wendy W FokProposal: 2010 - OngoingCopyright © WE-DESIGNS.ORG, LLCPublished:+ 12th La Biennale di Venezia + Tuvie industrial design magazine (digital)