SITE PLANThe new building of the University is situated parallel to Nowy Swiat Street as a continuation of the existing building. In the straight line of elevation (as local regulations allowed) inserted a smooth block of concert and conference hall and moved it towards the street about 10 meters. In this area was also created an entrance plaza with a representative entrance to the building.The building is three stories high, slightly lower than the old building. This old building is closing the square with the monument and had to be respected because of its urban importance.New buildings along the street complement the street frontage.In the next stage on the east side of the new building complex will include the Library and the Gym.COMPOSITION AND ARCHITECTURENew building blocks refers to the dimensions of existing buildings of AMU. The highest existing building is a building with the auditorium, the highest new building is a concert and conference hall, with a clearly accentuated form of individual line and ejecting before building. Simple block all clearly emphasizes the individual character of the concert hall.From the Nowy Swiat street, next to the concert and conference hall, was placed the main entrance with two-storey reinforced concrete columns. The three-storey main hall inside, directly connects all major functional blocks. Hall is the center of university life. On the opposite side of the hall there was placed entrance from the parking lots. The composition of this part of AMU is compact and is based on courtyard shape buildings.The existing building with the auditorium is an important element of the composition and it creates a frontage of the square. They plan a modernization of this building in near future. The complex of old buildings directly connects to the new part.INTERIORSThe interiors are made and equipped to a high standard. We can find here technical support of teaching, development and storage of books, furniture, durable flooring, wall coverings, energy-efficient lighting and personal computers. Very important was the concert hall interior materials selection. Used materials had to disperse, intensify or muffled sound in specific places and at certain direction.ELEVATIONSMaterials used in facades are concrete walls plastered or partially covered with ceramic elements. There are also big surfaces of glass curtain walls. Windows and doors - aluminum. Concert hall elevation - titanium-zinc sheet.