Located off Broadway Market,
south of London Fields, Ada Street accommodates 6 apartments above two small
retail units. This is one of London’s poorer east-end areas combining
largest number of different languages spoken in the city with the largest
population of artist per square kilometre in Europe. This is reflected in the
creative shops, bars and clubs and in the Local Authority’s more relaxed
approach to design aesthetics.
Our client expressed an ambition for utility and unadorned
domesticity. The practice’s general strategy is to find a binding aesthetic
form using an architectonic narrative with a reduced material palette. The
detail illustrates the extension of this logic through the use of fewer, yet
standard products to reduce construction junction types, associated specialist
trades, their time on site and given the budget, pre-empting costs.
Externally, the Dryvit insulated render system, certified to 24
degrees from the horizontal, is used to perform a number of roles eliminating
need for copings, sills, external gutters and drains. Primarily to weather
external walls and the upper pitched roof form. Around window openings it forms
reveals and returns to an integral sloping cill. At roof level the system
returns over the parapet as a coping which terminates against the roof
coverings. Lastly at the base the integral dpc avoids an overlap of trades when
sealing the building. Together with Velfac’s glazing and Guaranteed Asphalt’s
inverted flat roof the external envelope is reduced to three products and
This reduction is followed through internally where precast
concrete planks are left as exposed soffits and floors are power floated
concrete. This standard floor build-up was engineered to meet acoustic
performance requirements without the need for suspended plasterboard ceilings or
raised floors. The resultant savings permit the use of under floor heating and
5amp lighting circuits throughout, allowing better room layout flexibility,
with no radiators or pendants determining furniture arrangements.