with MMVL (arch. Mario Lamber, SABL and INOUT architettura)
The project of this open space begins after an accurate analysis of the agricultural context. In particular the limits of the intervention area follow the old structure of the territory: the roman land division, visibly recognizable looking at the orthophotos of the site. The whole project mixes new elements with the old existing ones. The ancient town plan, used as s frame for developing the project, emphasizes the structure and articulation of the spaces, evoking an old unit of measure: actus. Actus takes the form of a three-dimensional vertical element with the dual function of limit and measurement. As limit it points out the admittance to the estate, as measure it establishes a connection between estate and the surrounding agricultural context. The intervention on this area is aimed at finding an almost narrative relationship with the territory. The same attitude returns in the structure of the whole garden, which is not intended as a separate and decontextualized element but as an integral part of the territory. More than the introduction of new elements, what becomes important for the whole structure is the reorganization of the existing elements. The ditches running through the area and the rows of poplars that are a sort of line of conjunction between the garden and the surrounding space, become the main elements of the project, emphasizing their volume and exploiting them as internal and intermediate limits to divide the area and multiply the spaces.