Actors is the recent Diogo Aguiar Studio's spatial proposal for the exhibition 'Rehearsal for a Community' by portuguese curator Paulo Mendes. Self-standing and geometrically oriented apparatuses personify actors in the huge industrial space of Central Tejo's Maat Museum.
Orchestrated in a joint performance, a thematically organized constellation, the families of different dimension three-legged metallic structures interpret distinct characters embodying, autonomously, each of the works of the EDP collection on display.
The proposed exhibition design bets on a huge open-space that favours multiple visitation paths, as well as distinct times of appropriation and creation of various relationships between the exhibited works, also revealing their usually hidden reverse side.
Architecture: Diogo Aguiar Studio
Team: Diogo Aguiar, Sergio González
Client: MAAT – Museu de Arte, Arquitetura e Tecnologia
Photography: Francisco Craveiro