The circular form which is the main element of the plan was
retained in the way that it was in the former construct of interior
architecture; however this circular effect was reflected through organic forms
as a detail within the rooms and all other spaces and this effect was finally
terminated in a way as to form the main theme of the entrance hall. The use of
two tones of color in wood such as light and dark tones were applied as it was
planned to highlight the differences of the functions. The use of exaggerated
patterns in the wallpapers helped to alleviate the dull effect of the units
recurring too much. The materials, especially almost all of the stones, were
selected from natural stones Other wooden units were also selected from either
natural products or those closest to natural. However, within the medical
spaces, industrial products were used due to the technical obligations. The
lighting design is considered as a salient factor of difference with an
indirect and calming effect.