- The structure's external layer and the architectural concept is of a house that absorbs the surrounding scenery into the structure's space throughout all floors. The external layer is made of bare concrete in combination with "wall boards" concrete.
- Our architectural vision is integrated throughout the whole structure:
1. The house's geometry is regular, while the architectural concept of tempting the guest entering the house ("peeping through the keyhole") is achieved by breaking the regular architectural mass using deconstructive slopes in the structure's entrance hall, which is practically the house entrance. Both internal and external walls' slopes, are indeed intensified and felt inside the house, from geometric as well as material aspects, through the use of wooden boards' concrete and a sharply sloped wall inside the internal space.
2. Discovery/ concealing: we believe that houses should be discovered, not only by guests, but particularly by the house residents, time and again. As to the façade, it has more to it than meets the eye; the wooden grillwork covers up what's behind and provides privacy, while the back façade is revealed in all its grandeur. At the same time, while moving into the structure, the internal part of the home is being unfolded towards the open back façade.
- In order to achieve the best shading, we designed wide pergolas, and in order to break their mass they were designed of a light material, tin, with complex and narrow sections, resembling an airplane wing.
Photographers: Itay sikolski & Oded Smadar