Albert Camus a French Algerian author, and life scholar who is portrayed as the protagonist villain unto himself in this short story submitted to ICARCH Gallery presents the gestation of his home. The descriptivism of a life revealed in failure is only such in the eyes of the originator (Albert), yet Albert emerges as the victor to a much larger society that struggles just the same to find meaning in the mundane, profound, and lyrically symbiotic dualism of (what seems to be) a congealed society stuck in the repetitive formalities of a life called MACHINE. A life where thoughts and values are not worth more than a solid days grind absent of thought, and void of any willingness to fight for anything more. Albert shows us that the destination is not nearly as important as the course charted.
Upon immediate view Albert’s home is what you would expect, its likeness is analogous to tradition keeping to a singular box with a simple single pitched roof, but within a burgeoning force erupts with a vibrant network of inquisition, openness, expression, and reaction to the MACHINE that surrounds it.