DPA+PSA+DIN collective
Located at the interface between city, culture, and university, UWPlugin supports a complex, interwoven building program with a design that challenges and innovates in deriving its meaning from site, people and experience. Located at the intersection of Portage Ave and Memorial Blvd, this signature project involves a hybrid design approach to a program that includes two University of Winnipeg faculties, the Plugin Institute for Contemporary Art, a café, and other commercial entities. Stakeholders were brought together with the entire consultant team early in the project development and regularly through the evolution of design in order to encourage transparency of knowledge, experience and expectations, and to address the complexity of stakeholder needs, and to ensure that the owners, users, consultants, city and environment were best served by process and the final product.
This 49 300 sq. ft. facility, projected for LEED Silver designation, is economically, ecologically, and socially responsible in its design. Incorporating a public thoroughfare as a strategy for dealing with Winnipeg’s extreme climate, the building is characterized by sunlit spaces that foster interaction between inhabitants, and programs. Public spaces double as gallery spaces, encouraging interaction between visitors and those working or attending the University. The project displays a strong street presence, encouraging pedestrian oriented capacities, scales and connections with adjacent communities, the downtown, and the University, using its prominent corner site to link a number of disparate urban elements. With its emphasis on urban and programmatic ecology, the UWPlugin building serves as a new urban destination for Downtown Winnipeg.