Using only ice and snow for material, ICEHOTEL is constructed anew during every November and December and melts away during late spring. Every year artists from around the globe are selected to design and construct the ICEHOTEL suites.
By day these suites form the gallery of the hotel, visited by 30 000 people every winter season and slept in by 15 000 international guests during the season.
This year Maurizio Perron (sculptor from Italy), Viktor Tsarski (architect from Bulgaria) and Wouter Biegelaar (product designer from the Netherlands) were responsible for the design and build of the bar. 'We wanted to celebrate the 25th ICEBAR, the heart of the ICEHOTEL, with a big bang. BOOOM! is an ice explosion where sharp ice blocks shoot through the dome. Where the Ice clashes to the wall waving splashes of snow appear.'
Pictures by Viktor Tsarski.