Passenger rail terminals are inherently places of intense urban
activity, which efficiently and immediately connect national travelers
to the local transit network of the city. Therefore, the proposed
location for Cleveland’s new high speed rail terminal is uniquely sited
OVERTOP of Cleveland's Memorial Shoreway, avoiding the encumbrances of the presupposed siting of the new terminal
at the North end of the Daniel Burnham designed Mall of the 20th
century. This aggressive siting strategy redefines the Lakefront Station from a single programmatic element into a 21st century
multi-modal transit hub with direct integration into the existing
rail/expressway/street infrastructure, maximizing the significant
investment put forth by the City, while becoming a generator of increased
street activity, future urban development, & extended & expanded
1. The proposed site location affords direct overlaps between
national, local, AND regional
infrastructure within the confines of less than one city block,
allowing the Station to act as piece of urban equipment, maximizing
transit, contextual, & recreational connectivity. The Station's
strata begins at its lowest level, directly supporting national rail
infrastructure. Public waiting areas and shops spill out on to street
level, reestablishing a local urban presence previously disconnected by
the Shoreway itself. Additionally, the regional bus station &
public parking are served through direct access to the expressway
Positioned between two areas of underdeveloped land, spin off
development is activated, stretching from the Cuyahoga River and Port
of Cleveland to the west, to East Ninth Street and points east. The extended city grid reconnects Downtown Cleveland to the Lakefront, allowing for future development to take place.
3. The proposed station also functions as a direct pedestrian connection from the Downtown street grid to the lakefront through a continuous band of greenspace, offering panoramic views of the Downtown Cleveland & Lake Erie.