11Hope is the second phase of a conceptual design for a bar/lounge/cafe located on the Ground floor of the Evo building at the intersection of 11th Street and Hope in Downtown Los Angeles which is where the name comes from. Please see "Aura Lounge" for phase one. The design intent was to shift the lounge towards an older crowd and change their pizza restaurant into a small burger café with its own entrance which would be serve the lounge at night but run as its own business during the day. This project was submitted to the city in early planning phases but never built. The cutaway floor plan below shows an early concept of the redesign which took a different approach in the use of colors and mood and naturally shifted towards a more mature and muted theme harking back to a supper club with a 007 “Moonraker” theme by making use of all the existing exposed concrete in the large space. 3 different stains were to be applied to the existing concrete floor to create a sense of movement and fluidity from the main entry doors to the soffit covered L-shaped bar area. L.E.D. lights within triangle shaped openings at the bottom of the soffit inspired by architect John Lautner’s Sheats-Goldstein residence as seen in “Diamonds are Forever”, to cast illumination down to the bar area which had a glow of its own. The backwall of the bar was designed as a backlit piece of acrylic slab which would support a system of mini stainless steel alcohol display shelves cut into circles to represent a glowing lunar calendar. Small moveable lounge seating areas were designed around the existing concrete columns in front of the bar to accommodate small parties and were to be moved for big events. These seating areas, being open to the 30’-0”high ceiling were underneath large colorful fabric based chandeliers inspired by the translucent properties of Jelly Fish to be commissioned by a local artist. During the daytime, because the space has existing full height storefront windows, the light of the sun would shine through these pieces to create beautiful colors on the wall.The adjacent space previously designed for Spezia Pizza became an extra dining room separated from the lounge by a full height wall so that it could be a room which could be closed off for large parties when required. This room included a stage for live music and performances along with a large screen and projector to play films and sports throughout the day. Colorful acoustic panels hang on the wall and the ceiling to create sound in an ideal setting. This room was connected to the main lounge through an open bathroom corridor with large tastefully painted silhouettes of a man and a woman for toilet room signage. The Burger Café was designed in a newly leased area part of the same space but not the previous contract which the owners were able to acquire from the landlord. Taking from the British spy theme of the lounge, the small café was designed to evoke an interrogation scene at a bunker with large oversized chess pieces in a display case to add a sense of wit and playfulness. A dark storefront with thin mullions separates the café from the private dining room.