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Concrete phrontistery

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A+Awards Jury Winner
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Wall of Knowledge


Finalist, 2021 A+Awards, Best of the Year - Africa
we are an International award winning architecture studio, based in Morocco since 2008. during these many years we have worked a lot on various projects such as social housing, health or education...

In our opinion, architecture is about poetic and spatial translation of human's aspirations for a better life. we  believe in contextual architecture, whit sense of belonging to a place, like if it has always been a part of it. We think that architecture must resist to the collective temptation of "Folk Mimicry" and passing fashion by yearning for timelessness.

    We love the dramatic mood of ruins, witnessing the collective memory, that time roots in space, the grass that grows in the roadway; and the nature taking back  gradually its rights. We love words! writing on walls , like the children who can't stop themselves scribbling on the classroom tables, or the first men who started drawing on caves. We also love surprises and unexpected beauty.

   We don’t like “over-talkative” buildings and the noisy and chaotic landscape of big cities. We prefer stimulating and relaxing empty spaces.

    We hate "fake architecture". We’re always looking for truth in the materiality of our projects. Cause even materials can lie (fake wood, stone, or marble...). We also think that we should promote more resistants materials to escape the " planned obsolescence " of buildings. We like simple geometrical shapes that joined together become richer; we use to call that “simplixity”... complex simplicity.
Company Type
Architecture / Design Firm
Winner (2), Finalist (1)
