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Samira Rathod Design Associates

Projects 2

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The Shadow House

Samira Rathod Design Associates

Every building endeavor must be a responsible solution in structure, services infrastructure, cost & function. It must have a purpose, and above all, dare its own consequences in the environment; but in all of the above, if there is poetry, then perhaps it becomes architecture.

SRDA is a firm that investigates design with a passionate and critical eye grounded in modesty and a thirst for imaginative adventures. At SRDA every project is treated with fervor for exploration and innovation and tested for relevance in physical and social contexts against the land which will cradle it and against the man it is meant for.

SRDA subscribes to the philosophy of the architecture of BLIRS - beautiful, local, indigenous, recycle and small. Poetry draws the distinction between a piece of architecture and a mere building. Local indigenous peoples, their cultivated techniques and traditions and their ancient mastery of material tectonics are core to the execution and inspiration of projects at SRDA. And more importantly design must be cognizant of the differentiation between needs and wants, which it must addressed in the most responsible way, carefully monitoring its violence on the planet.

We believe that every project is an opportunity to understand this world better. The world that is the relationship of people with other people, and of people with their environment. Projects must strive to be the study and response to this very world and if nothing else, act as the lens through which this world can look upon itself.

SRDA was established as an architectural and interior practice in 2000. Having begun with a small farm house, and an avant-garde portfolio of furniture, SRDA is today commissioned with large-scale architectural and interior design projects, across the country and is also the winner of several national awards, with a presence in both international and national publications. Apart from design it also undertakes and promotes research and documentation work.
Company Type
Architecture / Design Firm
work: 022 24310395 / 022 24327249
Mumbai, India

