Mr Guntur house is low energi and low budget house .
The house is located in Sidoarjo, in a residential cottage pearls. the origin of this house is our home renovation type 54 into two floors that are already sufficiently accommodate the daily activities of the family bp guntur .
approach to the design of this house was put on the theme of "energy saving house". like a demand is already eyeing mr guntur of our design. which is also owned energy efficient homes in the beautiful castle mr . budianto sidoarjo, ( . which has been proven in theory and practice. space inside was cool even without air conditioning, the house cpc budianto separately theme. energy efficient homes phase 1 is, modern rustic home. mr guntur was owned , we make with the theme, energy efficient housing berbendar at night. so it is very interesting to see the glow of his night. which combined with the grating roster of wind which we design such that it looks good, on the time of day or night. rosters role here is to circulate outside air into the house seluasa, so the supply of fresh air in the chamber can flow is maximal. and also serves as an aesthetic element of the house itself. could also say as crafting in modernism "so our expectations, though with local ingredients seputaran sidoarjo but able to perform globally. but still also need a low profile in the neighborhood. We do not want to shout our cuman pingin understated it alone. said the owner . The simplicity of the design created by playing the scale d / h <1 reply then knit into a unity such that the shape, unique and attractive, even with simple ingredients. rosters, Conwood, aluminum and glass, plaster and brick walls. antecedent coherent with night lights element will refract the shadow roster of space in the affected lights. to save development costs, partially we reuse the existing architectural materials, like tile we use back long, long wall floor we maintain a lot.
plan lay out a lot of the old retaining walls that save development costs, a concept we create maximum air circulation to catch the wind from the front of the building leads to the well towards the rear wind. so as it will create cross ventilation or isis term Javanese people ..wesssss wesss stroked blows air Seger homeowner. because the air often change the course of the owner does not get sick sickly because of dirty air penyebap disease every day in the same blow with the wind. demikan his case. grace abundant sun also we enter the maximal in space saving electrical energy. because of all the bright room without electricity turn in times during the day.
a blend of local materials with elements of modern lines, crafting architectural modernism in our knitting with air roster materials, Conwood, glass and alumium it alone ...,
outside air circulation patterns that we exhale into all spaces. so that all the rooms were cool even without air conditioning