born in 1997 as a consultancy with a clear vocation to offer services and
technical advice related to the planning, ordering, improvement and
construction of single buildings, in particular hospitals and healthcare
PLANHO incorporates into its company philosophy the
need to tackle healthcare-related architecture with an integrated approach, so
that all resources (including those related to infrastructure) remain
subordinated to the functional efficiency of the whole. The adaptation of the
different parts must be subordinated to this totality.
The adaptation of physical supports, and the necessary and continual technological
and functional renewal of hospitals (based on the criteria of efficiency and
compatibility), constitute the main field of work of Planho. We also believe in
PLANHO that these criteria, when applied to the
planning and construction of new hospitals, add improvements in relation to
functional ordering, accessibility, and economy of space – in essence, to the
PLANHO brings together the experience and professional
trajectories of its founding partners, Enrique Vallecillos and
Emilliano Rodríguez, with complementary professional profiles, with solid
track-records and proven experience in different areas of the planning,
management and architecture of large projects and healthcare-related buildings.corporate video