The constant flow and exchange of ideas and knowledge is the hallmark of our team spirit. We are not only open to fresh prospects, different techniques and the wisdom of experience, we actively seek it out in each member of our team. Over the 30 years of our existence, Plan has grown from a small studio to become a well-established business that now includes other companies. Our expansion and success is due to the consistently high calibre of our staff. Finally, when Plan had grown to become a large architectural concern, additional 3 studio companies were set up to enhance flexibility. The Plan Associates Company Limited, Plan Studio Company Limited and Plan Architect Company Limited were both established in 1993. It was also in that year that they were given the collective name, the Plan Group : Architecture ; Plan Associates, Plan Studio, Plan Architect.
These change have allowed each staff member to realize his or her full potential, and have permitted all of the companies in the group to offer more efficient and flexible services. Despite our success, we will never regard the company as having reached its full potential. We always reach for the sky with our feel planted firmly on the ground. We are constantly learning from the projects we design, the business partners we work with and our colleagues. We respect each other’s input and relish new challenges. Change brings opportunity, Plan began as a small young design studio to become the current 14 companies member group by fostering fresh talent, supporting each other and inspiring high standards. The new Plan generation is offered plenty of scope to test their ideas and initiative. Responsibility and growth are always encouraged. Like all families, our children are our future.