attempts at architecture from the architectural practices of dorøn rosmarin parvenu-architect and parvenu architectural...: aided, abetted, supported and assisted during their existence by peter neunborn, david dreyer, anastassia patrikios, garth shoebridge, stavros loizos, sianne ash, julia williams, yifat rom, kevin hinde, marianus de jager, peta van der molen, ziyanda gysman, cynthia gulukunqu, nick beard, august fava, sandra pestana, alanna coetzee, roni riback, anja holtzhausen, neil dusheiko, brad pinchuck, roger metcalf, gerrie scheeepers, jose perreira, parvenu, jose ambrosio de gouveia, mark forssman, hashim bham, peter dodson, shashikant daya and others of un-remembered name between the years 1984 to 2001 and beyond 2012 onwards when ø re-emerging scathed battered and covered in undergrowth as parvenu architectural...