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MCM Partnership

Projects 3

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Robert H.N. Ho Research Institute

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Electronic Arts Canada

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Featured Project

Child and Family Research Institute (CFRI)

MCM Partnership

MCM Partnerhsip is an architectural practice established in 1965, by Frank Musson. Founded on service and trust, a partnership created with a singular purpose of exceeding our clients needs and expectations.
To produce results through our collective knowledge, the relationships we have nurtured since we began. We are only as good as our last project. Passion.Vission.Action in both design and service are regarded as constant and complementary pursuits at MCM.
We believe every design solution is a blend of partnership and collaboration with our clients' objectives and MCM's creative expression. Like all great relationship, with each project constantly learning and growing. Our strength is founded in the teams collective talents of our staff, consultants, peers, advisors, and our clients.
Dedication, accountability, and a striving for excellence at all times are essential as we apply our design creativity. Change is a constant; MCM is committed to adapting to new market realities and maximizing technology as a tool for project delivery and execution.
Company Type
Architecture / Design Firm
fax: 604-687-1771
work: 604-687-2990
Vancouver, Canada


Creative Designer
Associate - Quality Manager of Design