MAME Architects is a collaborative network of communication among independent young architects with a common philosophy. Sensing the needs of our time in an everchanging environment with increasing demands, our collaboration relies on the interconnection of the specializations and training of our members in various fields of expertise, of planning, design and construction.
Our goals are:
The exchange of experience, expertise and information, technical and scientific knowledge related to architecture and space on all levels, from planning to construction.
The multi-leveled and detailed analysis and provisioning and through this the feeding of the design process from the urban scale to architectural scale.
The optimization of the design process in orded to reduce construction costs and implementation time by using new materials and manufacturing methods.
The integration in the design and manufacture of new technologies, systems and innovative materials, environmentally and user friendly.
Achieving continuity between idea and practice while maintaining contemporary and high quality aesthetics.
Exploiting the use of new media, contemporary representational and design tools and the internal organization of our network, the final product is directly applicable and easily implementable.