…we do believe that Light Works.
The multiple and disparate effects of light support the view that the design of lit environments should incorporate consideration of human health and wellbeing as well as visual and aesthetic concerns.
“However much we can quantify light and talk of things like task lighting, and lux, and wattage, light remains an emotional thing. It transcends the scientific, even as ... designers require more and more scientific knowledge every day. The heart of the issue with lighting is still the emotional associations it engenders, the way lighting “feels”. For what changes in a room when the lighting changes are not the hard facts, not the length or the width or the height or where the door and windows are. It is the way the room “feels.”
— Paul Goldberger Address to Lighting World III April 1985
LightWorks. is an independent architectural lighting design practice based in Athens. We work closely in cooperation with architects and interior designers, investors, contractors & clients.