In Legorreta + Legorreta we design for the people who uses our buildings and believe that a good project should not only meet the needs of its users, the city, the environment, programs and budgets, but also the spiritual and artistic people.
Thus, we look for an architecture that makes people happy and not just one that can be admired and enjoyed by architects. The architecture should serve society, always above personal interests and false targets.
We have learned to solve problems with creative, fresh and practical solutions but always attached to the project schedule and budget.
The world is currently dominated by technology and information that is why we believe that architecture should take advantage of both to make constructions that allow us to be better human beings.
When we design our projects we always have in mind that the architectural, engineering, and material solutions should respond to a building which makes the city, the users, and the clients proud, without being pretentious or expensive. In other words it has to be the best in quality of design and thinking.