‘It searches for always new universality and it is begun to make’various and special something - this is our work .If an architect's office is requested, many people think that a threshold is high and high-cost,and becomes a house in which it is hard to live by design serious consideration. However, such a thing never cannot be found. We search for always new universality, conversing with the chief mourner, and beginning to make various and rich space by using a simple and intelligible method. We are able to create that regaze at ‘the fundamental view’which people have, and reconstructing it from a different angle,-richer and newer space. It will surely be encounter with the space which has not been experienced until now and where the heart becomes rich for you. For example, if it thinks by car, we would like to search for the earliness of time to be born by the merit of comfortableness,and the design produced from there rather than to simply investigate only the speed, and a novel design and function of speed. It is surely required for a future time, and is because it thinks that it is a design gentle to people and the earth. We are this firm feeling would have a dialog with m any directions, would share each other, and would like to convey society through registered architect of us.