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GreenAssociates, Inc.

GreenAssociates, Inc.

Welcome to the GreenAssociates LinkedIn Company Page! We are so glad you found us. We created this page to provide you easy access - within LinkedIn - to updates about our newest projects and exciting new information regarding the constantly evolving world of architecture.

GreenAssociates is a full-service architectural and construction services firm. Consulting engineers collaborate with us on an as-needed basis depending upon the type and scope of a project.

GreenAssociates exclusively serves the educational facility market. We have purposefully structured our firm and trained our staff to be able to meet the needs of these complex and demanding buildings. We go beyond the traditional role of the architect and include educational facility planning and program development, pre-referendum assistance, and Construction Management as part of our service offerings.

We participate in national and regional conferences concerning educational planning, programming, design, construction, and facility maintenance issues and are members of the AIA committee on Education and the Council of Educational Facility Planners International (CEFPI). Since January of 2013 members of our firm have participated in the governor’s summit on school security, been called on by IEMA to assist in the development of the schools security grant program and presented at conferences on the subject of school security and visitor management.

GreenAssociates belongs to the IASA and IASB. Individual firm members also belong to the IASBO. We have given presentations to these groups covering sustainable architecture, geothermal heating and cooling, as well as smart remodeling and historic renovation. Members of our team have contributed material to the Capital Development Board (CDB)’s publication ‘Build Smart – School Construction in Illinois’.
Company Type
Architecture / Design Firm
work: 847-317-0852
Deerfield, IL, United States
