Since 1980, the Agency Gilles Bouchez located in the tenth arrondissement of Paris conducts operations research studies and very diverse, urban studies, public buildings, collective housing...Among these, collective housing and student housing in urban RIVP for an operation Porte d'Aubervilliers for ASPM. Public buildings, including the Economic and Social Council at the Palais d'Iena in Paris, the Congress Centre of the city of Belfort, the police station of Bastia, the hotel community of common Mourenx. The hospital and laboratories, the southern extension of the hospital in Avignon on 30000m2, the scientific research laboratory for the CNRS in Villeneuve d'Ascq.And numerous sports facilities, schools and universities, the teaching building for the University of STAPS Créteil, pool Mourenx. studies urban scales: the development of the square of the Cathedral of Reims, the BIA Street Ourcq in Paris, studying the historical axis of Paris to the west of the Grande Arche de la Défense, and now the plain area in Europe Marne Valley.The Agency participates in numerous prestigious competitions throughout France, such as the Rock Opera de Bagnolet, from the center of international conferences du Quai Branly, the largest stadium in Saint Denis France, and abroad, the school French in Cairo, various embassies of France, in Riyadh, Khartoum and Nairobi, the new Court of Appeal in Fort de France.