Founded in 1998, garcia architecture + design is a multidisciplinary design firm consisting of architects, engineers, land planners, artists, craftsmen, painters, and design instructors. Headquarted in San Luis Obispo, ga+d provides complete and comprehensive architectural design services for projects locally as well as throughout the western U.S. and beyond.Over the past 10 years, garcia architecture + design has establishedthemselves as one of the leading architectural design firms on the westcoast, with clients ranging from governmental agencies, internationalcorporations, state / local businesses, individuals, developers, and non-profitorganizations.The firm has successfully completed hundreds of commercial, residential,institutional, financial, and hospitality-type projects throughout the westernU.S., and continues to design and deliver projects of the highest caliber for allsectors of the construction industry. Paramount to ga+d’s ongoing successis the firms’ inherent ability to identify key public policy issues and efficiently implement mutually beneficial and cost-effective solutions.While ga+d is very well versed in designing and executing all manner ofcommercial and residential building typologies, the firm’s current focus is on sustainable opportunities within commercial redevelopment and mixed-use projects. At the heart of our current work is a desire to rekindle the urban sense of place with responsible and attainable development projects that are equally friendly to the user and environment alike, while providing both short and long-term financial stability to our clients.