Barton Myers Associates is an architecture and planning firmfounded in Toronto in 1975. Barton Myers moved to LosAngeles in the early 1980’s to lead a distinguished team ofdesigners in an urban design competition for Bunker Hill indowntown Los Angeles, and to teach at the UCLA GraduateSchool of Architecture and Urban Planning. Barton MyersAssociates is now based in Los Angeles and has grown to afirm of twenty professionals, including four professionallyregistered architects, currently working on an assortment ofmajor commissions for public, private and institutional clients.Barton Myers has earned an international reputation for excellencein architectural design with projects ranging from houses tolarge urban developments. At every scale, many of BartonMyers’ projects have been pioneering efforts - his own industrial,off-the-shelf components house; the development of high-densityurban infill; the sensitive restyling of existing buildings; and,the design of high quality cultural institutions throughout Canadaand the United States.From its inception, Barton Myers Associates’ commitment todesign excellence has been recognized in awards for planning,architecture and interior design. Barton Myers received theAmerican Institute of Architect’s Gold Medal in 2002. In Canada,Mr. Myers was awarded the Governor General’s Award forArchitecture for Woodsworth College, the Seagram Museumand the Citadel Theatre, and the United States Institute ofTheater Technology has given awards to both the PortlandCenter for the Performing Arts and the Cerritos Center for thePerforming Arts. Barton Myers was also the recipient of thecoveted Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Renewal for the NewJersey Performing Arts Center in Newark.