The program and the ClientListening to the Client.The program, narrated by the MO, is the raw material associated with the project instead.Active listening is committed: the analytical work of the statement, the unspoken, the feeling of the speaker, the intrinsic.The analysis program takes place in passing through the filter of our experience, our anticipation hangs on and takes root in us.The sketch is underlying.The man and his spaceMan is at the heart of our research. The project will initially be a response functional and ergonomic.The man and his landscape, whether rural or urban, we are looking for the environment to which he aspires.Decoded its space will be revealed by the subtle play of composition of the project to which we take.The site and the projectBeing permeable, feel the place, immerse themselves in his power to select among his sources, those that serve the soul of the project.It is smooth and fits smoothly in context or that it is rough to cause rupture, the project will be the result of this particular synthesis, resulting from our sensitivity, enabling the structuring value.This structuring value representing a degree across the city and landscape.Substances and their evocationsThe material came from themselves, suggested by analysis of the program, the venue, the lights, they are breathing instead. They support and strengthen the movement induced by the project to exalt in its environment.The "sustainable" approachThe workshop is concerned with an approach that the current terms are called "sustainable", "HQE", "BBC" and no matter what vocabulary to talk about performance. Since he still has the skills to achieve these objectives and to share technical surrounds, appropriate partners and now recurring.