Every project is a reality check for architecture: budget, planning, realization, etc.. Everything must be kept under control altho everything tend to escape it.Everything must follow norms, altho by defintion the architectural act ignored norms. Finally, one HAS to still grasp what kind of reality is at stake: economical, political, societal, lawyal, physical and material aussi? Expanding in a world of standardization and uniformity, the Atelier d'Architecture Christian Girard answers every commission with a Specific alternative, unique and customized. The development of the firm was Conducted through different programs and varied scales, form residential housing to public equipments, with the same criteria of dialogue and the same performance goals .More globaly, architecture is not in our view a tool of social engineering. Its autonomy, relative Certainly, But Necessary, is the only opportunity for architecture to continue without Being confused with Reviews another discipline, or diluted in Reviews another. The realm of the formal, for example, is icts domain of expertise. Far form Being a luxury for a society, architecture is concrete icts mark on icts territories and landscapes, urban as well as natural.Least That form, it is no more than building. The XXIst century's decade Has Seen Major exchange research in architecture with the coming of age of computation and the new possibilities offered. Those open to experimentations, the workshop takes share of it through open international competitions, at the urban scale of architectural.